Is Communication Really Important In Marriage? Lets Find Out Together.

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The importance of communication in marriage is often not taken seriously as many couples tend to think that the daily banter or the lack of it doesn’t affect them on a day-to-day basis. But communication is the vehicle through which all other important parts of marriage are performed.

If you love someone, but you don’t use your words and your actions to communicate it, you’re not doing right by your partner. If you trust someone, let them know it. Marriage and communication should go hand-in-hand.

If you can communicate honestly, your marriage has a good chance of being happy and healthy. In fact, the importance of communication should be considered right from the courtship days as it sets the right foundation of the relationship.

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Your communication can determine the course of your marriage by strengthening or weakening it. Therefore, you must closely watch your words and the way you communicate with each other. Love your spouse and consistently make sure your words support that love. (Proverbs 25:11, Colossians 4:6, Matthew 12:35-37)

Importance of Communication in a Marriage.

Why communication so important to have a long, fulfilling relationship with your better-half? What is the role of communication in marriage? Well, here are some points that emphasize the importance of communication in marriage.

1. No Communication Implies No Interest.

If you do not know what is happening in your partner’s life or what issues they may be dealing with, you may not be able to understand or empathise. This would slowly lead to a lack of interest in each other’s lives and thus, strained relationships; therefore, it is important to have effective communication.

2. Better Understanding.

Couples who often talk, discuss their lives or communicate with each regularly not only have a better understanding with each other, but it also helps them to have a stronger bond with each other. When you understand your spouse and the situations they may be dealing with, there would be lesser scope for misunderstanding or ambiguity.

3. Better Martial Satisfaction.

If you have opened the doors of effective communication with your spouse, you are more likely to experience a happy and peaceful relationship. Better communication means better satisfaction in a relationship in which you discuss everything with each other and thus lesser fights or quarrels.

4. Better Trust, Honesty and Respect.

Marriage is a two-way street, you cannot just keep expecting everything without giving. Therefore, if you are honest with your spouse and give and receive positive feedback or share other issues with complete honesty, it helps in building better trust in a relationship.

5. Better Connection.

Communication is a way of expressing your feelings and emotions towards your spouse. We understand that it is not important to express in words the love and affection that you have for your spouse. However, being expressive and vocal is one of the best ways of exhibiting your emotions towards your spouse, which would lead to a better connection.

What makes for good communication in marriage?
Listening to learn, instead of listening to win an argument. Talking about yourself and asking about the other, instead of assuming you know what the other person thinks or should do.

Common Mistakes Couples Make in a Marriage and How to Solve Them

Here are some common mistakes that most of us usually make and how we can solve them effectively:

1. More ‘Me’ in a Marriage.
When you get married, the relationship is for both of you. However, sometimes we may forget that, and marriage becomes more about you than about your spouse. For example, on your anniversary every year, you want your husband to make you feel special and take you out to dinner, you would only plan a holiday when you can take leave, you would go only to places you prefer, etc. All this shows that your happiness or consent is more important than your partner’s.

How to Resolve
It is important that you consider your partner’s interests too. This would be possible when you communicate better with each other. Talk to your partner and know what they like or dislike, or what their idea of celebration or other such things is.

2. Shouting at The Spouse.
Every relationship has its ups and downs, and these are bound to happen. However, if your spouse makes a mistake no matter how trivial or grave it is, it is not okay to shout or say nasty things to your spouse. It is imperative to understand that everyone makes mistakes, and when you shout or scold your spouse, you say hurtful things. Words uttered in anger often scar the other person’s feelings or emotions and it can be more evident when there is less or zero communication in a marriage.

How to Resolve
Even if you have a valid point to get angry, don’t be. Make sure you subtly put across your point without creating any ill feelings or negativity. Best is, you wait until you let your anger pass away and then talk to your spouse about it. The point is not to show displeasure or disappointment, but it is about not committing the same mistake again.

3.Do Not Compare or Compete
One of the silliest mistakes that married couples can make is comparing or competing with their spouse. This mistake may be more pronounced or evident in people with similar professional backgrounds or jobs. You may gloat about your professional achievements or accomplishments with your spouse or talk about their failures or setbacks negatively. Well, it is acceptable to have a competitive spirit or healthy competition with each other, but at no point should you demean your spouse, and lack of communication in marriage can worsen the situation.

How to Resolve
The first and foremost thing to understand is that even if you are doing separate jobs, you both are a single entity or bonded with love – this means your relationship is supreme than anything else. Be encouraging if your spouse fails and be proud when your spouse excels. There is no room for any kind of comparison or competition between two people who love each other.

How do I fix the communication in my marriage?

If you want to improve communication in your marriage, both partners need to be committed to making improvements.

If one partner refused to make any changes or believes it’s too late, healthy communication may drift further out of reach.

If you do see your spouse making an effort, consider telling them that you see it and appreciate their commitment.

“Don’t just focus on the problems,”  “Focus on what they are doing that is working and let them know.”

Making these kinds of improvements is not easy, but even a quick acknowledgment of your partner’s commitment can make it easier for you both to want to keep working at it.

Nobody's born a natural communicator. Like riding a bike or hitting a baseball, marriage communication is a skill you can learn. And good communication is the key to improving your relationship.
