Respect is important in marriage, See Why.

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It is often advised that when you want to marry you should marry your friend, many consider this a wrong conception, but it is actually a great advice as there are so many reasons why you should marry someone who understand, value and respect you.

When you marry, from that point right until you have kids, its going to be just you and your partner, then when your kids grow up and maybe enter the university or get married, things will go back the way it was at the beginning, its going to be just you and your partner again.

Imagine living with someone who doesn’t respect you: they will make decisions on their own, although they affect you too, they wouldn’t treat you nice in front of people, they would make you feel less worthy and less important all the time.

Now imagine you get married to someone you don't get along with, who doesn't value and respect you. Marriage will become boring, life may become boring too.
your kids will be more focused on their immediate family leaving no time for you, leaving you at the pool of your own worry.

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Respect may best be defined as the way you show true appreciation for another person. Respect is an action, not just a feeling. It’s a declaration of value for someone. We demonstrate respect by how we behave toward another person.

In marriage, mutual respect matters.

But why? Why does mutual respect play such a critical part in a healthy marriage?

1. Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they’re different from you or you don’t agree with them.

2. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing.

3. Mutual respect strengthens the friendship between you and your spouse.
marriage is healthy when you and your spouse deepen your friendship. Because it shows appreciation and value for your partner, showing mutual respect provides the space for friendship to grow.

4. Through respect, you learn to accept the flaws too, not only virtues
Nobody’s perfect, and we only see this after a couple of months. When you truly respect someone, you will willingly accept the good and the bad and help them be a better person every day by supporting them and showing love and appreciation, not only in the happiest moments but in moments of failures too.

5. You make wiser decisions
No matter how strong the love between two people gets, there will always be certain temptations we will encounter throughout the journey. When you build respect in a relationship, you won’t be as tempted.

6. You will learn to be patient
Some people just want it all, and they want it now. These relationships don’t last because love just doesn’t work this way. You have to develop patience, and you develop it through nurturing and growing respect in a relationship.

Respect doesn’t have to come naturally – it is something you learn.
